

Moa is developed and tested on Ubuntu and RHEL and is expected to operate without much problems on all modern Linux distributions. Moa has the following prerequisites (and a large number more for all templates). The version numbers are an indication, not strict prerequisites. Other, even older, versions might work.

  • Gnu Make (3.81)

  • Git (1.6). Necessary either to download the Moa software from github, or, to make use of the integrated version control.

  • Python (2.6). Moa is not tested with other

    versions of Python

  • Bash (4.1.2). Many of the

    embedded scripts expect the Bash shell.

  • Gnu Make Standard Library (GSML). A

    set of standard routines for Gnu Make. GSML is distributed together with Moa.

  • A number of support scripts & templates depend on Biopython. Consider installing it before starting to use Moa.

  • Python-dev: the Python development package. A few prerequisites installed by easy_install try to compile C libraries, and need this. Although all of them have backup, python only, alteratives; from a performace perspective it is probably smart to have this installed:

    sudo apt-get install python-dev
  • python-yaml: Again - this is not really necessary, but will improve performace:

    sudo apt-get install python-yaml
  • Python easy_install is the preferred way to install Moa and a number of further prerequisites.

Installing Moa using easy_install


sudo easy_install moa

The commandline will install moa and a number of other python libraries

There is a number of other prerequisites Moa requires the following modules to be installed:

These can be installed using install Moa:

easy_install-2.6 moa

Not part of the list of prerequisites are the following libraries, which you’ll only need if you are planning to run the web interface:

Note - these can be installed using easy_install:

$ sudo easy_install-2.6 ElementTree
$ sudo easy_install-2.6 Markdown

Bioinformatics tools

Each of the wrapped tools requires the tools to be present. Usually, Moa expects all tools to be present & executable on the system PATH. The standard Moa distribution comes with wrappers for:

  • Blast
  • BWA
  • Bowtie
  • Soap

and many more

Installation from source

Moa is hosted on and can be installed from github:

cd ~
git clone git:// moa


Configuration of Moa is simple, and can be done by sourcing the moainit script:

. ~/moa/bin/moainit

(Note the dot!, alternatively use: source ~/moa/bin/moainit)

It is probably a good idea to add this line to your ~/.bashrc for future sessions.

Moa should now work, try moa –help or, for a more extensive test: moa unittest

If your default python version is NOT python2.6 or python2.7 there are a few options that you can pursue:

  • change the hashbang of the moa script
  • define an alias in your ~/.bashrc: alias moa=’python2.6 moa’
  • create a symlink to python2.6 in your ~/bin directory and make sure that that is first in your path.

Installing the web interface

Note - this is a little experimental - you will need to experiment a little to get it working. Start with installing apache2.

Then - assuming that: * Your Moa work directory is under /home/moa/work * Your Moa is installed in /opt/moa Create a file in /etc/apache2/conf.d/moa.conf with the following approximate contents:

Alias /moa/data /home/moa/work
<Directory /home/moa/work>
   Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all

   SetEnv MOADATAROOT /home/moa/work
   SetEnv MOAWEBROOT /moa/data

   IndexOptions FoldersFirst SuppressRules HTMLTable IconHeight=24 SuppressHTMLPreamble SuppressColumnSorting SuppressDescription

   HeaderName /moa/cgi/indexHeader.cgi
   ReadmeName /moa/html/indexFooter.html

ScriptAlias /moa/cgi/ /opt/moa/www/cgi/
<Directory /opt/moa/www/cgi/>
    AddType text/html .cgi
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    SetEnv MOABASE /opt/moa

Alias /moa/html/ /opt/moa/www/html/
<Directory /opt/moa/www/html>
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    Options +Indexes

You might want to check the shebang of /opt/moa/www/cgi/indexHeader.cgi depending on your system configuration. Restart apache and it should work